visual identity
Oman Aviation Group is possibly the largest company in Oman. This is due to the Sultanate’s 2040 vision being focused towards tourism rather than oil. It was our task to rebrand Oman Aviation Services part of the Oman Aviation Group, a B2B company with 5 subsidiaries. The business recently split from Oman Air, there was a lot of confusion amongst it’s thousands of employees, a new company name and strong brand identity was needed so they can finally cut their ties from Oman Air. IMDAD’s origin proudly lies within the Middle East at 23o North latitude, 58o East longitude. Using the I and A as our origin and fulcrum points, these angles are used to produce a uniquely crafted logo with facets of 23o and 58o leading upward and forward towards an Unlimited future. We use these identifying angles to produce their Unlimited gradients that are the fulcrum to IMDAD’s brand identity. Through the transition of colour we represent the progressive 360o approach to business and the services that IMDAD provide.
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brand identity
Majan is a luxurious lounge and restaurant. Reflecting the interiors we combined different textures of paper and materials, highlighted by the rarest accent of copper, warm hues of ochre evoke an everlasting sense of calm.
Other Projects
Working with a talented team from around the country we can proudly produce any creative project for any purpose. For those with more niche requirements we build a bespoke team, allowing us to work with industry experts from varying fields, this enables us to have zero limitations on what we can achieve. If you need help with a creative project, big or small, drop us an email and we’d be more than happy to quote or assist you on your creative journey. Whether it be a trade show stand, an animation, a digital campaign or idea’s for your dream project… our creative team is here to help and inspire.
visual merchandising
To compliment popchips’ fun image and Californian origins, we created a drive-in cinema themed window display, complete with neon signs ommunicating their cheeky slogans. Featured on screen was popchips’ promotional summer video, providing some sunny and light-hearted entertainment to passers-by...
Collins Classics
It felt apt to create an iconic cover treatment to give Harper Collins wonderful classic book stories justice. Taking key and often poignant moments from the infamous stories, we illustrated and crafted monolithic style covers, often playing with positive and...
Work with us
Drop us a message and challenge our expert team today, we’ll get our creative juices flowing to solve your problem and help by providing you with a way forward.